7:11 PM
Reviews of Holiday Destinations: Prigi Beach, Indonesia.

Reviews of holiday destinations to Trenggalek, was a regency in the East Java Province, Indonesia. The capital was the Trenggalek City. This regency occupied the territory measuring 1.205,22 km² that was occupied by ±700.000 the spirit.
Trenggalek was one of the available regencies in the south coastal coast, shared a border with the Ponorogo Regency next north, the Pacitan Regency next west, the Tulungagung Regency next east and the south coast.
Trenggalek had much holiday accommodation and the tourist attraction that had beauty that still was original was not yet changed by the time situation, for example Goa, the coast, and beautiful mountains.
The famous cave is the Lowo Cave its famous because many of bats live in this cave, not far from this cave (approximately 6 km) was gotten the Prigi Coast that was beautiful. Approximately 2 km had the white sand coast with sand that was bright white. Both near the coast prigi and the white sand coast of many places of accommodation.
The Prigi coast was located in the Tasikmadu Village, the Watulimo Subdistrict, around 45 km the south direction the Trenggalek city. In the trip to the Prigi Coast could enjoy beauty of nature for the length of the trip. The Prigi coast was known also as whichever fisheries tourist attraction to be gotten the big fishing port was equipped the wide parking lot, the camp earth, the hotel with the auditorium, the restaurant and the tennis court.
Besides the Prigi Coast there was The Karanggongso coast that was located 3 km to the east from the Prigi Coast. Panti this was famous with his white sand along 1,5 km, clear and calm water roasted ideal to bathe and sunbathe. Was available the Prigi Hut, Cottage, the Hotel and rental of the motor boat.
Labels: Indonesian Travel